sedation dentistry & types

How Sedation Dentistry Is Helpful & Types Of Sedation

Sedation dentistry is a process that can help anxious and fearful dental patients relax during their treatments. Sedation dentistry is ideal for people with a low pain threshold, those with extensive treatment needs, and those who experience fear or anxiety when receiving traditional dental care. With sedatives, dentists in Tri-Valley can now provide more comfortable dental care for those who may be scared or have sensitive gums and teeth.

Sedation dentistry offers an alternative to patients who suffer from extreme fear or anxiety when visiting the dentist. Sedation helps make dental procedures easier by calming the patient’s mind while reducing pain perception and increasing comfort levels throughout the process. At our practice, we offer different types of sedation, including inhalation sedation, IV sedation, and oral sedation. Our experienced team will customize the best approach for you and your needs.

Types of Sedation

  • Inhalation Sedation: 

Inhalation sedation is a form of sedative gas that helps to relax patients during their dental treatment. Nitrous oxide, also called laughing gas, is administered via a mask placed over the nose and mouth. The patient inhales the gas, which helps them relax without causing pain or discomfort. Once the procedure is complete, the gas wears off quickly, and patients can return to their normal daily activities within minutes.

  • IV Sedation: 

Intravenous (IV) sedation is a form of conscious sedation. A mild sedative is administered through an IV line in the patient’s arm or hand, which helps to create a relaxed feeling throughout the body. Patients may experience drowsiness, but they remain awake during their treatment.

  • Oral Sedation: 

Oral sedation involves consuming a pill before the dental appointment, which helps to relax patients. This type of sedation can last up to four hours after the work has been completed. Oral sedatives help relieve anxiety and reduce discomfort during dental procedures.

Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry offers numerous benefits that can help make dental treatments more accessible and more comfortable for patients. These benefits include:

  • Pain and discomfort reduction: 

Sedation helps to relax patients, allowing them to feel less anxious during their treatments. This can help reduce pain and discomfort associated with dental procedures.

  • Improved oral health: 

With sedation dentistry, patients are more likely to receive the necessary dental care they need to maintain good oral health. Since sedation makes dental care more accessible and less stressful, patients are more likely to follow through with recommended treatments.

  • Faster treatment: 

Sedation allows for faster completion of dental procedures due to reduced fear and anxiety on the part of the patient. Faster treatment can be completed quickly, helping patients save time and money.

Sedation dentistry is the best option for patients who experience fear or anxiety when visiting the dentist. With the help of sedatives, dentists in Tri-Valley can now provide more comfortable and relaxed dental care, making it easier for patients to receive necessary treatments. If you’re considering sedation dentistry, contact our office today to learn more about how we can help you feel at ease during your next dental appointment.


  1. Is sedation dentistry safe?

Yes, sedation dentistry is considered very safe when performed by experienced professionals such as those at our practice. Our team will monitor your vital signs throughout the procedure and make any necessary adjustments as needed.

  1. How does sedation dentistry work?

Sedation dentistry involves using medications to help relax patients during their dental procedures. Depending on the type of sedation used, a gas or a pill will be administered to help reduce anxiety and pain perception while increasing comfort levels throughout the procedure.

  1. Does sedation dentistry hurt?

No, sedation dentistry should not cause any pain or discomfort to the patient. It is designed to do quite the opposite—to relax patients and make them feel more comfortable during their treatment.