Everything You Need To Know About Oral Cancer Exam

Everything You Need To Know About Oral Cancer Exam

Oral cancer can be a serious yet preventable health problem. An Oral Cancer Exam is the most effective way to detect early signs of oral cancer and catch it in its earliest stages. This article will allow you to read about the Oral Cancer Exam, including what to expect and how to prepare for one.

Oral cancer is a type of head and neck cancer that affects areas of the mouth, lips, tongue, gums, salivary glands, throat, or larynx. It is estimated that over 50 thousand people are diagnosed with oral cancer each year in the United States alone. Early detection is critical when treating oral cancer; regular dental screenings are the most effective way to detect and catch oral cancer.

An Oral Cancer Exam is a preventative screening that checks for any signs of abnormal cells or tumors in the face, head, or neck. During an OCE, your dentist inspects your mouth for any unusual bumps, lumps, lesions, or sores that could cause concern.

They will also examine your tongue, throat, and cheeks for abnormalities or discoloration and feel around the jawbone and lymph nodes for abnormalities. X-rays may also be taken depending on their findings.

How Should I Prepare For My Exam?

Preparation is vital when it comes to an Oral Cancer Exam. First, you should ensure a readily available list of your current medications and other medical history information so you can review it before the exam. It is also essential to brush floss thoroughly before the appointment so that your mouth is clean and any areas of concern can be easily identified. Lastly, if there are any particular areas in your mouth where you feel pain or discomfort, let your dentist know before they begin the examination.

What Should I Expect During My Exam?

During an Oral Cancer Exam, your dentist will ask about your medical history and current medications, followed by a visual inspection of your mouth. They will look for any abnormal lumps, bumps, sores, or discoloration of your tongue and cheeks and feel around the jawbone and lymph nodes for abnormalities. They may take X-rays to investigate further if they find anything unusual. 

What Is A Cancer Exam?

An Oral Cancer Exam is essential depending on their findings and preventative measures that can help detect oral cancer in its earliest stages when it is most treatable and curable. Early detection can make all the difference in oral cancer and ensure you receive the appropriate treatment promptly. Regular screenings by your dentist are necessary to catch any abnormalities before the dentist screenings are essential.

Regular dental screenings are crucial to catch any abnormalities and ensure that you receive the appropriate treatment promptly. Oral cancer and preventative screening can help to detect early signs of oral cancer before they worsen or spread throughout other areas of the body. Get in touch with the best Dentist to know more about the Oral Cancer Exam.


Q: How often should I get Oral Cancer?

The recommended frequency for Oral contact depends on your age, medical history, and lifestyle habits. Generally, it is recommended that adults over the age of 40 receive an oral cancer exam every 3 to 5 years, while those with a higher risk should see their dentist for screenings every 6 to 12 months.

Q: Are there any risks associated with Oral Cancer Exams?

A: An Oral Cancer Exam is generally considered safe, with no significant risks. The examination itself may cause discomfort if the area is tender or swollen, but your dentist will take extra precautions to ensure no significant risks are.

Q: How can I reduce my risk of developing oral cancer?

A: You can do several things to reduce your risk of developing oral cancer. These include avoiding tobacco and excessive alcohol consumption, practicing good oral hygiene, eating a balanced diet, and getting regular oral cancer screenings from your dentist.