The Complete Guide To Root Canal Therapy In Livermore

What Is A Root Canal Therapy?

Root canal treatment is a dental procedure that can relieve tooth pain caused by an abscessed tooth. In root canal treatment, the inflamed pulp is removed, the pulp is cleaned, cleaned, disinfected, and a filling or a crown is placed to seal the space.

When Is A Root Canal Therapy Needed?

A tooth infection occurs when a cavity is left untreated for a long time. It can also occur in the case of cracked or damaged teeth. Endodontic treatment is necessary when bacteria enter your pulp.

Following are a few signs you need root canal treatment in Livermore, CA, to save your teeth.

  • Constant tooth pain
  • Extreme pain in your jaw, face, or other teeth
  • Sensitivity to hot or cold foods
  • Swelling or tender gums
  • Unpleasant taste or smell
  • Discolored teeth
  • Chipped or cracked tooth
  • Loose teeth

How Should I Prepare For Root Canal Treatment?

Before getting a root canal treatment, a good endodontist in Livermore, CA, will be ready to answer all your questions. They will also help you prepare for your treatment.

  • Take all the medications prescribed to you, such as antibiotics or anti-inflammatory medications a few days before your appointment. This is especially needed if there is a severe infection present.
  • Don’t smoke or consume tobacco as it might disrupt the healing process.
  • Eat well before your procedure, as the local anesthesia used will make your mouth numb for a long time.

What Happens During The Root Canal Process?

Before the root canal treatment, the endodontist in Livermore, CA, will take X-rays of the affected Teeth. This will help the endodontist to know the extent of damage and make sure, can save your tooth. Once it’s decided root canal treatment of the best option for you, the following steps will be taken during your root canal procedure.

Local anesthesia is given to the affected tooth and the surrounding gums. Some medications will help you relax. The endodontist will recommend sedation, such as nitrous oxide analgesia if you struggle with dental anxiety

  • A small rubber dam will be placed over the affected tooth. This will keep it dry during the procedure.
  • A small opening will be made on the surface of the tooth to access the pulp.
  • With the help of dental instruments, the nerves, blood vessels, and tissues will be removed.
  • Once the pulp is removed, the root canal is cleaned, disinfected, and filled with gutta-percha
  • A temporary dental filling will be placed to seal the tooth and prevent bacteria from entering
  • A dental crown is always recommended. They are custom-made and restore the function of your tooth.

Does Root Canal Therapy Hurt?

One of the common myths about root canal treatment is that it’s painful. Many people avoid getting treatment due to the fear of pain. However, most people don’t realize the pain is from the infection, not the treatment. A root canal treatment provides immediate relief and restores your teeth. If you experience throbbing pain after a root canal, you need to visit a restorative dentist in Livermore, CA, right away!

What Happens After Treatment?

After your root canal treatment, a good endodontist will send your records to a restorative dentist who will take the necessary steps to restore your teeth. 

How Much Does A Root Canal Cost? 

The cost of your treatment depends on the severity of the damage and the extent of restoration required. However, it is much cheaper than tooth extraction and replacement with artificial teeth. 

Endodontic Treatment In Livermore, CA

If you are suffering from tooth decay and are looking for a dentist who can restore your teeth, visit us now. At Roots & Gums, our experts are always available to treat all your dental issues and provide you with the best treatment. Contact us today to get the best endodontic therapy in Livermore, CA, and we ensure you get the best smile possible.