root canal therapy

Myths About Root Canal Therapy

Root canal therapy is a standard dental procedure for tooth decay and infection. It involves removing the infected or damaged pulp from the tooth’s centre and cleaning and sealing the area. Although it is a relatively simple procedure, many misconceptions exist. This article will explore the myths and facts about root canal therapy and answer some of the most frequently asked questions. 

Myths and Facts About Root Canal Therapy 

Root canal therapy is a safe & effective procedure to help save a tooth from further damage. However, many myths about the process can cause people to be hesitant to seek treatment. Let’s look at some common myths and the facts behind them. 

  • Myth: Root canal therapy is painful 

Fact: Root canal therapy is no more painful than a regular dental filling. It can even be less painful since the procedure removes the source of the pain. The process is done under local anaesthesia. Hence you won’t feel any pain during the entire procedure. 

  • Myth: Root canal therapy is time-consuming 

Fact: Root canal therapy is usually done in one or two visits. Depending up on the severity of the infection, the procedure can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour.

  • Myth: Root canal therapy is expensive 

Fact: The cost of root canal therapy can differ depending on the severity of the infection and the type of tooth being treated. However, it is usually less expensive than having to extract the tooth and replace it with an artificial one. 

  • Myth: Root canal therapy is dangerous 

Fact: Root canal therapy is a safe and effective procedure. The procedure is done under local anaesthesia, so there is no risk of infection or other complications.

  • Myth: Root canal therapy causes illness 

Fact: No scientific evidence supports the claim that root canal therapy causes illness. The procedure helps prevent further infection and damage to the tooth.

Root canal therapy is a safe & effective procedure to help save a tooth from further damage. Although there are many myths about the process, the facts show that it is no more painful than a regular dental filling, usually done in one or two visits. The cost of the procedure can vary, but it is usually less expensive than having to extract the tooth and replace it with an artificial one. 



  1. Is root canal therapy painful? 

A: Root canal therapy is no more painful than a regular dental filling. The procedure is done under local anaesthesia so you won’t feel any pain. 

  1. How long does root canal therapy take? 

A: Root canal therapy usually takes one or two visits. Depending on the severity of the infection, the procedure can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. 

  1. Is root canal therapy expensive? 

A: The cost of root canal therapy can differ depending on the severity of the infection and the type of tooth being treated. However, it is usually less expensive than having to extract the tooth and replace it with an artificial one.